Registration & breakfast
Opening ceremony
Human Design Engineering
  • Matt Farrar

A Decade of DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing
  • Greg Young


The best time to take coffee or juice

The Wix Microservice Stack
  • Tomer Gabel

Stop Doing Scrum; Start Being Agile!
  • Peter Van de Voorde

Tracking huge files with Git LFS
  • Tim Pettersen

Caught in the Act: Kotlin Bytecode Generation and Runtime Performance
  • Dmitry Jemerov

Lunch Break
Cloud Native Java
  • Josh Long

Theory of Constraints -­ science behind every effective process
  • Wiktor Żołnowski

Lisp in the machine
  • Joe Nash

Learning modern JavaScript without node.js
  • Jakub Marchwicki


The best time to take coffee or juice

MDD: Metrics Driven Development
  • Sam Elamin

Rise of the Machines - Automate Your Development
  • Sven Peters

Serverless Architecture in the Cloud – AWS Lambda
  • Tomasz Stachlewski

Rainbow, ponies and Equestria
  • Jarosław Pałka


The best time to take coffee or juice

Microservices tracing with Spring Cloud and Zipkin
  • Marcin Grzejszczak

  • Greg Young

Machine Learning for (JVM) developers
  • Mateusz Dymczyk

jcmd, one tool to rule them all
  • Andrzej Grzesik


The best time to take coffee or juice

The Bootiful Application
  • Josh Long

Agile vs the fear of the white blank page
  • Gustavo Elias

Hands-on Apache NiFi
  • Joe Percivall

The Evolution of the Gosu Programming Language
  • Luca Boasso

  • Scott McKinney


The best time to take coffee or juice

Building HATEOAS into your API
  • Eugen Paraschiv

Augmented Reality in Scala.js
  • Piotr Kukiełka

Is HBase still a thing?
  • Lars George

Julia: fast, productive, composable & generic programming
  • Stefan Karpinski